#16: Timothy Joins Paul & Silas

Acts 16:1

Paul came to Derbe and then to Lystra, where a disciple named Timothy lived, whose mother was Jewish and a believer but whose father was a Greek.

As a vicar there is often a tendency to be a bit of a lone ranger. In my early days I often operated on that basis, but in recent years I have loved the much better way of building teams. Here at the beginning of his second missionary journey Paul builds a team. He has already chosen Silas (15:40) now he calls Timothy. Having a team means Paul will be less isolated, the mission will be more effective and the new team members will grow.
But what a challenge for Timothy. Son of a Jewish mother and Greek father, Paul takes him off to be circumcised as his first step in being part of the team. That is dedication for you.
So what sort of dedication is God looking for in me today?