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This time of year is a bit of an in-between time. We are about halfway between the two major festivals of the Christian year: Christmas and Easter.
We are about halfway between seasons. The days are starting to get longer, but the nights are still dark. Atmospheric temperatures are nudging towards the top end of single figures, but the nights are still leaving us with a frost.
Snowdrops are out, but daffodils are still at an in-between stage.
It's an in-between time of year and even we as Christians are sort of an in-between people, in-between heaven and earth - called by God to raise ourselves above the sinful and Godless matters of mankind, as we strive to become more Christ-like.

We do have a major festival which begins next week on Ash Wednesday.
Unfortunately, it can tend to be very much misunderstood! The worst misunderstanding, I heard was someone who asked me, ‘Shrove Tuesday’ is also ‘Pancake Day’, ‘isn’t it?’ Yes I replied, pleased that some of my teaching in magazine articles had got through. Is ‘Ash Wednesday’ a day when we eat corned beef hash? And some fell on strong ground!

Ash Wednesday, as I’m sure you all know is the beginning of Lent - also a misunderstood time in the Christian year. Most remember Lent as a time when you give up something you like (sweets, alcohol, sugar, etc).
This has become a time of negativity, a time when you are not allowed to enjoy yourself. This was not however why Jesus fasted in the desert.
His aim was not to shrink away from life but to grow, spiritually.
This also should be our aim - not to give up something which makes us miserable, diminishes life, but to take something on which enriches and grows our life and draws us closer to God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Take on a little extra prayer time, read a book especially the Bible.

Let us try to rise above that ‘in-between’ status.
Rev Paul Hartley

Renew1830 - with Bishop Arun
Every few months there is an evening service at St. Peter’s, Morley called 'Renew1830'. There is extended worship, teaching from a guest preacher, and some prayer ministry. The next one is this evening (Sunday 19th) at 6:30pm.
The guest preacher is Bishop Arun. If you would like to go and need a lift, please chat to Rob or Sally.

What’s the Story About Easter?
Our next occasion for inviting children from both our local primary schools into church will be a Monday and Tuesday towards the end of term to tell them the Easter story. However, to give the children the best possible experience, we would like to enlist some more volunteers for our 'What’s the Story? team.
Do you enjoy telling dramatic stories and helping children with crafts?-
Then this is for you! If you would like to find out more or join the team, please contact Brenda Pickard ([email protected])

Easter Eggs
Real Easter Eggs are available in church to purchase for £5.
These are the only Fairtrade eggs to include a copy of the Easter story in the box. Buy one for family, friends, or donate one to the food bank.

Pancake Day! – Tuesday 21st February
Pop along to The Barn anytime between 6:30–8:00pm for our ‘Great Pancake Party’! We’ll provide the pancakes, and the lemon & sugar to go on top.
If you fancy any other toppings bring them along!
Open to all ages this event is free. Come and join the flipping fun!

Ash Wednesday – Wednesday 22nd February
Our traditional Ash Wednesday Service will start at 7pm in church.
Join us as we begin Lent by being marked with ash in the sign of the cross.
All are welcome.

Lent Course - Rhythm of Life
Beginning in The Barn on Tuesday 28th February, 7-8:30pm, and running for 5 weeks, this Lent course will offer an opportunity for us to re-align and keep Christ at the centre of our daily lives. Through practical commitments, opportunities for mutual support, and recommended resources.

“As Christians, we believe Jesus should be at the heart of our rhythms of life, whatever our circumstances. This will have a far-reaching impact on our own wellbeing and the good of others – on our loving, living and learning.
I would like to invite you to join the diocesan ‘Rhythm of Life’ venture.
This will involve individual commitments, accessing resources and mutual support. Some key areas will be given special attention: praying, encouraging, sharing, reflecting, celebrating, resting, and creating.”
- The Rt Revd Nick Baines, Bishop of Leeds

If you would like to join the course group, please contact [email protected]

Lost Property
Is on a table at the back of church. Any items not claimed will be disposed of at the end of the month.

Bell Ringing
Have you heard the bells ringing at Calverley Parish Church? Have you ever wondered how they are rung? We're a small team and would like more people from the village and locally to join us, and if we have enough interest we hope to 'Ring for the King' for the Coronation in May.
Small groups can also visit the ringing room to learn more about bellringing.
There is no obligation to start ringing - just come along to see what we do!
Visits will be on our usual Thursday evening practice but do need to be pre-booked. We can take no more than 4 people at a time (over 11s only and under 18s must be accompanied by a parent).
Interested? Please contact the Ringing Team via [email protected]

Please send any items for our weekly Family News to
[email protected]

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Calverley Parish Church (Diocese of Leeds)
Town Gate, Calverley, Pudsey, LS28 5NF
Registered Charity Number: 1130921
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