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Do you know what this is? It’s a quarter rest. I find them hard.
When banging along as I do on the drums, in my rhythm, feeling a grove, this is hard. It means stopping, for just one beat in a bar. And then starting again.
It’s hard to do, to train the muscles to stop - they like to keep going.
It’s hard to value it - a good fill on drums ought to be full of extra hits, more noise, right? I’m a drummer, not a quieter! 

Actually, a sudden pause, a halt, a breath, is often just as effective.

Rests are hard for us when we’re in the rhythm of doing.
Rests are hard for us when we think more is always better.
Rests are good. Rests add richness and depth to music, space to hear what is there against the sudden realisation of what is not.

You probably don’t need another lecture on resting. You’ve had enough.
Either you listened or you didn’t. Nonetheless, I encourage you find rest.
Perhaps a single beat from time to time. In my year-long journey though the Bible I have been struck again and again how sabbath is a central commandment, and yet the only one of the Ten Commandments we no longer take seriously. We are made for rest. Lent is a time to rediscover it, to pause (Selah), to allow space between action and reaction, to notice what is there when the noise stops.

Amid the busyness, the stress, the relentless rhythms of life, Jesus still says...

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion?
Come to me.
Get away with me and you’ll recover your life.
I’ll show you how to take a real rest.
Walk with me and work with me - watch how I do it.
Learn the unforced rhythms of grace.
I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you.
Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”
(Matthew 11.28-30, MSG)

We sat with that truth this week at our lent course on the Rhythms of Life, Tuesday nights in The Barn at 7pm. I know it blessed me to be reminded, to be refreshed.

God bless you all,

Sunday 5th March - Ask Me Anything!
This Sunday will be this term’s AMA slot, with you chance to ask your questions in both services (9:15AM & 11AM). We all know I don’t have all the answers, but I cherish wrestling with the questions of our faith together.
As ever, do feel free to just turn up and ask, but if you send in your questions to [email protected] in advance, I and the rest of the preaching team can do a bit of reading, thinking, and praying in advance.
Since last we met, there’s been lots that might raise questions.
We’ve had confirmations (what’s that all about) from a Bishop (who?), explored Ruth with a focus on steadfast love, migrants and foreigners, and God’s providence. We’ve had Christmas and advent and all the stories and dramas therein. However long you have been with us, or with God, our questions are part of how we grow as a community. Either drop Rob an email, or pop a bit of paper in the basket at the back of church.

Easter Dates
Sunday 2nd April - Palm Sunday - 9:15am & 11am
Wednesday 5th April - Messy Easter Prayer - 12–2pm
Thursday 6th April - Maundy Thursday Supper - 6pm
Friday 7th April - Good Friday at the Cross - 2pm
Sunday 9th April - Easter Sunrise Service - 6am (for 6:21am)
Sunday 9th April - Easter Sunday Service - 10am

Lent Course - Rhythm of Life
The course is an opportunity to re-align and keep Christ at the centre of our daily lives, through practical commitments, opportunities for mutual support, and recommended resources. The first session took place on Tuesday evening, but it’s not too late to join in - meet us next Tuesday evening in The Barn, 7 - 8:30PM.

Church Mission Society Partner
Azaria Spencer did a great job in telling us about her mission work for CMS in Guatemala. If you missed it or would like to find out more, her talk from last Sunday can be watched online here. Or read her personal blog posts here.

The prayer bookmark for March is now available in Church and includes a list of prayer needs. If you would like to be prayed for, you can write your request on a tag and hang it on the prayer tree in Church, or email Sally or Rob, or just have a word with us on Sunday mornings.

Communion Table in Church
Susan Jubb will be standing down from communion table set-up duties.
Ideally, we would like to start a rota for this weekly task with people from each service. It is not a difficult job and training will be given.
Please let Rob or Sally know if you can help.
We thank Susan for her unwavering service to the church - as well as prepping the communion table she also volunteers in many other ways around church.

Communion At Home
When Jesus first modelled the spiritual tradition of communion, de did it in someone’s home. If you are unable to get to church and would like to receive Holy Communion in your home, we have a team that can offer it.
In the first instance, please contact [email protected]

Food Bank – Help!
Help wanted! I spoke this week with our friends at Bradford North Foodbank, another of our giving partners. They desperately need biscuits, crisps and snacks, as well as carrier bags. They are feeding 56% more people than this time last year, which makes me increasingly sad at the state we're in that the foodbank is necessary, and yet also increasingly thankful that they are there to help. If you, like me, are lucky enough to be able to choose to give up snacks this lent, then maybe think about donating them instead to the foodbank.
There's a donation point at the back of Church, and also in Sainsbury's and Lidl (and probably other places too!).

Due to the Coronation of The King, the date of our Annual Parochial Church Meeting has changed to Tuesday 2nd May. Please arrive in church by 6:50pm for a prompt start at 7pm, thanks!

Easter Choir
Following on from the success of the Christmas Choir, we're forming an Easter Choir to sing at the joint morning service on Easter Day! Rehearsals will start on Thursday 16th March, in church, 6-7pm. Further rehearsal dates to follow.
Let’s raise the roof on this very special day!
Please contact [email protected] with any questions.

Easter Eggs
eal Easter Eggs are available in church to purchase for £5.
These are the only Fairtrade eggs to include a copy of the Easter story in the box. Buy one for family, friends, or donate one to the food bank.

Chrism Eucharist
The Chrism Eucharist is a special occasion at which the Diocesan Bishop presides and leads clergy in the renewal of their ordination vows, and at which the Bishop will invite the lay people present to re-affirm their commitment to Christian discipleship. This year it's being held at Wakefield Cathedral on Maundy Thursday (6th April) at 11am. If anyone would like to come with Rob, please let him know.

Please send any items to be included in our weekly Family Newsletter to [email protected]

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Calverley Parish Church (Diocese of Leeds)
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