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Journey Of A Warden

It can sometimes be difficult to work out where your journey through faith began, but if you had to choose somewhere...

For me it started when my first child was born. Before then I had never been in regular attendance at church services, I wasn’t even baptised.
I came from a mixed background where my mother was from a Church of England background, my father was Jewish, and although neither of them were in regular attendance at their said places of worship, this resulted in a childhood where I was not brought into faith.

Growing up, I had many friends of different faiths. Some of my closest friends were Catholic, and regularly attended church. During my young adult life, I attended many weddings, funerals, and baptisms, I even attended bar mitzvahs as my cousins were Jewish, and it was at this time where I started to feel left out.

I went on to meet my wife Sarah, and we instantly bonded.
After living together for a while, we decided we would be married.
Although Sarah was from a Church of England background and had been baptised as a child, I myself had not been baptised or even attended church regularly, and so a church wedding seemed completely out of the question.
Therefore, our wedding was a civil ceremony, although our chosen wedding venue had beautiful surroundings, and it even had a chapel. We decided that we should put it to good use, Sarah had a connection with a Christian minister who we invited along, and so we were fortunate to have a blessing immediately after our civil ceremony.

We enjoyed married life together for a short while, and then came along our first child, Emilia. This was our blessing, we knew then that as a family we should begin our journey through faith, but where would we start?
As it turned out, Sarah’s mother had a connection with our local vicar, Rev. John Walker. He came to visit us at our home, and a baptism was arranged for Emilia.

We continued as a family to attend the church services here at St. Wilfrid’s, and three years later along came our son, Joseph. It went without saying that Joseph would also be baptised, and so it was done.

It was not long after this, we started to realise one or two things.
I was still not baptised myself, even Sarah had not been confirmed, and so this was something that we would have to remedy. It was not long then until a confirmation service was arranged for us at St. Wilfrid’s.
I was baptised, then both of us confirmed, all during the same ceremony.

And so, what next? Become a church warden maybe? Who could have imagined it...! Five years on, and as I now prepare to stand down from being a warden, I take a moment to reflect. To say that things have been eventful during my time as a warden would be the biggest understatement ever.
At this moment I could write a whole new chapter, but here are just some of the things our church has seen during my time as a warden:
• Three Vicars
• The passing of Queen Elizabeth II
• A new King
• Four Prime Ministers
• War in Ukraine
• The Pandemic

I feel that it has been a real honour and a privilege these past few years, to serve our church family here at St. Wilfrid’s, but to also serve god in a higher capacity and more meaningful way than I would have ever thought possible.
As I pass yet another milestone in my journey through faith, I look forward to beginning a new role at St. Wilfrid’s and continuing to serve.
Where will your journey take you next?

With every blessing,
Dan Cohen

Sunday 26th March
Don’t forget the clocks ‘spring’ forward 1 hour this morning!
This morning, Bethan from Compassion will be visiting to preach, and also giving us the opportunity to sponsor children.Sponsoring children is a great way to have a personal and tangible impact.The Denton Family sponsor a child in Rwanda, and we find the communication keeps us aware of issues in that country and helps enlarge our world view beyond our immediate bubble.
Plus, it’s great to know we are making a difference to a particular little girl.
If you can’t make it to church next week for more information or, to sponsor a child, please visit

Lay Eucharistic Ministry Training
Just a reminder that this training takes place in church this afternoon, after the second service, from 1-3pm. You may wish to bring some lunch if you are attending immediately after the service. Hot drinks, juice, and biscuits will be available.

The Forgiveness Project Podcast
During the Mothering Sunday sermon last Sunday, Victoria mentioned this podcast. It’s a fascinating insight into what forgiveness is, and well worth a listen, available online here.

Easter Eggs
We still have some Real Easter Eggs available in church to purchase for £5.
These are the only Fairtrade eggs to include a copy of the Easter story in the box. Buy one for family, friends, or donate one to the food bank.

Easter Flowers
We will be decorating the Church on Easter Saturday, 8th April between 9am-12pm.Donations of daffodils & spring flowers, plus green foliage are needed, or donations in the green flower fund box on the welcome table.
As always, anyone wishing to help and join our Friendly Flower Team are very welcome to join us. Coffee, tea, & biscuits are always provided.
Many Thanks & Blessings, Kim Pollard & Sally.

Restored Webinars – Who’s coming?
Richard’s sermon last week has got us thinking about how we can be better equipped to be a source of hope and help for those caught in Domestic Violence. Restored run a project called 'Beacons of Hope', training churches to do just this. Some of us will be going on a webinar to find out more about it on 22nd June at 12pm for an hour. If you’d like to come, simply sign up online here, and please let Revd. Rob know. You're also welcome to purchase a paper or electronic copy of the booklet Richard spoke about on their website here.

Chrism Eucharist
The Chrism Eucharist is a special occasion at which the Diocesan Bishop presides and leads clergy in the renewal of their ordination vows, and at which the Bishop will invite the lay people present to re-affirm their commitment to Christian discipleship. This year it's being held at Wakefield Cathedral on Maundy Thursday (6th April) at 11am. If anyone would like to come with Rob, please let him know.

Upcoming Easter Dates
Saturday 1st April - Messy Church Easter! - 2pm
Sunday 2nd April - Palm Sunday - 9:15am & 11am
Wednesday 5th April - Messy Easter Prayer - 12–2pm
Thursday 6th April - Maundy Thursday Supper - 6pm
Friday 7th April - Good Friday at the Cross - 2pm
Sunday 9th April - Easter Sunrise Service - 6am (for 6:21am)
Sunday 9th April - Easter Sunday Service - 10am

Please send any items to be included in our weekly Family Newsletter to [email protected]

The work and ministry of Calverley Parish Church is supported by the generous giving of the church community, we receive no outside funding.
You can make a donation or sign up to regular monthly giving, including Gift Aid, at our Parish Giving page online here.
Thank You for your support.

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Calverley Parish Church (Diocese of Leeds)
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