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What A Welcome

Every church thinks they're good at being a welcoming place, but I honestly think we are. So many people come for a wedding, or a visit, or attend at Christmas, Easter, or Remembrance Day and then come back.
I think the joy and the community spirit are warm and inviting, which is no surprise as hospitality and generosity are among our core values.

We try to help people of every type and stripe feel at home and included in so many different ways – the ramp into building for those on wheels, the friendly people, the way we do the services. We’re starting to add bits of signing, and we have a hearing aid loop. We’ve picked a big clear font for our words on the screen. Children are cherished as they run about and feel at home, not shushed and tutted. We have gluten free wafers for communion.
We even provide tea for those who don’t like coffee! You’ll see people of different ages, genders, and backgrounds at the front, so everyone can recognise themselves here. We’re starting a great journey looking at how we do intergenerational worship some of time, with all ages and stages worshipping and learning together.

All of this makes me think that Calverley is a very welcoming church, a place where we want anyone in Calverley (or beyond!) to feel at home, to be able to come and find that God has already found them. That’s why we’re starting to explore joining ‘Inclusive Church’. I know some of us have questions about that – so what is Inclusive Church all about?

Inclusive Church is a network of churches that started in 2004, deliberately trying to welcome and include people who didn’t feel welcome in churches.
They initially started with a focus on LGBTQ+ issues, but once you start noticing the walls you see other sorts of people on the outside.
They started asking who else didn’t feel welcome, who needed someone to fight their corner, and what churches could do better.
Currently, their statement is:

“We believe in an Inclusive Church – a church which celebrates and affirms every person and does not discriminate. We will continue to challenge the church where it continues to discriminate against people on grounds of disability, economic power, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, learning disability, mental health, neurodiversity, or sexuality.
We believe in a Church which welcomes and serves all people in the name of Jesus Christ - which is scripturally faithful, which seeks to proclaim the Gospel afresh for each generation, and which, in the power of the Holy Spirit, allows all people to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Jesus Christ.”

Who wouldn’t want to be in a church that welcomed all those people?

This coming year we’ll be looking at the theology and the practicality of how we can be more welcoming, of everyone! There will be sermons, conversations, and research. We’ll think and pray about whether we want to join inclusive church, and how we can welcome more people even if we don’t.
PCC are keen to explore this together, and some of us will form the Inclusive Church Team – Richard Jobes, Kim Pollard, Kim Raja, Dave Edwards, Brenda Pickard, and Sandra Tempest, as well as Revd. Rob & Lizzie.
We will be doing a bit more reading and learning, and all of us are all available if you have any questions. As ever, feel free to email me, pop a question in the AMA basket, grab me on a Sunday or call.

Yours in Christ,

If you’d like to know more about Inclusive Church, their website is here.

Sunday 16th July
Come and join us at either The 9:15 or The 11am service this week.
Sue will be preaching with Lizzie leading, the children are going out to their groups, and as usual we have refreshments served between the services.
You are always welcome!

Communion Course
Our course continues this Sunday afternoon in church from 12:30-2:30pm.
This is for anyone aged 7 or over who would like to take communion, exploring the basic of the church’s faith.
If you would like to know more, please speak to Rev Rob or email [email protected]

Friday Coffee Shop
Is now closed for the summer. Thank you to everyone who has visited us and to the team of volunteers who run it week in week out!

Team Warden – Hello!
‘Team Warden’ is underway! You may notice a few different people overseeing the smooth running of services on a Sunday morning. Please bear with them as they learn the ropes.

Elspeth Cornick’s Funeral
Fiona Knowle’s mum’s funeral will be in church on Tuesday 18th July at 10:30am. All who knew Elspeth are warmly invited to join us to celebrate her life, mourn her passing, and support the family.

What’s Your Role?
We are on the look out for people to take on a couple of roles:
Few things say ‘make yourself at home’ as well as a smile and hot mug! We need someone to oversee hosting – coordinating the welcome-ing team of sidepeople and making sure our refreshments are up to scratch. We're looking for somebody to organise the greeting and coffee teams at Sunday services.
We also need someone, or perhaps a pair of people, to oversee the Sunday Children's Work, helping to gather and run a team of people doing this on the Sundays that the kids go out. We have great resources and can give all the training needed. Is this something you could lead or held with for a season?
If you feel called and able to help with these or any other role, please contact [email protected]

Summer Holiday Club Registration Now Open!
We’re pleased to announce we’re going ahead with our Summer Holiday Club & registrations are now open! If you previously registered interest in our Summer Holiday Club, you should have already received a separate email with more info earlier this week. In case you missed it, or if you'd like to join us, please click here to learn more, and complete an online registration form.

START! September 2023
Our Start! course is ideal for those new to church, or those who want to know more. It makes no assumptions about participants’ background, experience, or knowledge of Christianity or the church. It really does start from scratch!
If you’re interested in coming along, please speak to Rob or email [email protected]

Baptism Celebration Service
On Sunday 10th September at both services, we invite you to come and celebrate your Baptism! Whether it was a few months ago or many years ago, please join us all at this special service.

St. Wilfrid’s Calverley's 2nd Beer Festival!
Save the date! Saturday 7th October.
Tickets going on sale soon!

Thanks to everyone who has provided us with their details via our new ChurchSuite data management platform. It is going to help us contact people when we need to, whether that’s for rotas, or for pastoral reasons.
For more information and to sign up, please click here, and help us be the strong connected community we're called to be. If you haven’t provided your info yet, we will also be available between the services in July and if you have any questions, just ask Sally or Rob and we’ll do our best to answer them.

Please send any items to be included in our weekly Family Newsletter to [email protected]

The work and ministry of Calverley Parish Church is supported by the generous giving of the church community, and we receive no outside funding.
You can make a donation or sign up to regular giving, including Gift Aid, via our Parish Giving page online here.
Thank You for your support.

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Calverley Parish Church (Diocese of Leeds)
Town Gate, Calverley, Pudsey, LS28 5NF
Registered Charity Number: 1130921
[email protected]
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