Brenda Pickard

Hello, my name is Brenda, I am married to Geoff and we have two sons and four grandchildren. I have worshipped at Calverley Parish Church for about 40 years and during this time, I have served in a number of ways, being Churchwarden for two terms of 7 and 6 years respectively. During my second term as Warden, I was also Project Manager and fundraiser for the re-ordering of the church in 2014. More recently, I used some of the skills I learned in that role to lead the fundraising for the restoration of our organ. Although some of these roles were challenging, I found that when God calls a person to take on such a challenge, He is right there with you every step of the way.

However, my most enduring role, (one within my comfort zone), has been working as part of the children’s leadership team, helping to lead ‘Sunday School’, ‘Sunday Gap Club’ and, engaging with our two primary schools with ‘What’s the Story?’ at Christmas and Easter, always great fun! I also lead Heritage Trails and Stained Glass workshops for our schools and I am part of the Messy Church team on the first Saturday of each month. Life is busy but never dull!