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Sometimes my life seems to be entirely composed of list writing and crossing off items completed. Christmas card lists, shopping lists, packing lists for holidays, and that bête noire – the 'to do' list with the awful jobs I never seem to get round to completing. In my student days when we had sudden power cuts and couldn't see to work or play, list making was a time filling occupation: 10 favourite songs, 10 favourite films, 10 favourite books...

As I think back almost all the items on my list have changed, except one.
My favourite novel, then and now, is 'A Tale of Two Cities' by Charles Dickens.
I realise Dickens is not fashionable nowadays, unless on film (especially The Muppets at Christmas) but for me his skill with language and his humour take some beating. The opening of my favourite book has it all, and the ideas expressed seem as true today as at the time of the French Revolution and when Dickens wrote it.

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity..."

I was thinking about this particularly on Monday when it was my birthday.
I had a lovely day with various friends and family yet at the same time I heard on the radio that Rev. Kate Bottley’s mother, another Margaret, had died. My best of times, maybe one of Kate's worst.
And yet this is what we recognise as part of life's rich tapestry.
The modern description is, I suppose, a rollercoaster ride.

It's sometimes hard to remember that Jesus is with us through it all.
When things go well, we forget Him and when they go badly, we want to blame Him or ask Him to put things right. This year I am trying to remember to thank Him for every day, especially at my great age.

So, through times good and bad I endeavour to keep before me Jesus' last words to his disciples, and of course to us today, 'I am with you always, to the end of the age'. We are never alone; He celebrates with us, commiserates with us, and supports us.

Those words have sustained me in the worst of times,
And I hope they can do the same for you.
Margaret Roundhill

Places to Serve
You’ll notice a lot of opportunities to join us in the work & ministry of St. Wilfrid’s below; space on the team who lead Morning Prayer videos, training for those who assist at Communion, and cleaning our gorgeous old stones.
You will also know that we’re still looking for our next wardens, a pivotal role in church life and a significant commitment, as well as people to help with a drop-in for young people after school. Please do prayerfully consider what God might be calling you to in our church. I have always found that working alongside people at church to be one of the deepest joys of my faith life.
If you would like to talk about any of this, do get in touch with me ([email protected]), or just grab me!

Lay Eucharistic Ministry Training
Thanks for bearing with us.
This will be re-arranged at a later date, watch this space!

Small Groups
Church comes in many different shapes & sizes, and as well as Sunday worship, there's a number of Small Groups that meet regularly on weekdays.
These Groups enable members of Calverley Parish to spend time exploring faith deeper and truly connecting with others. Our desire is for as many people as possible to be part of a Small Group. If you have any questions or would like to join or start a Small Group, please contact Victoria via [email protected]. More information about our Small Groups, including FAQs are available on our website here.

Barn Babies – Parent & Toddler Group
Meets in The Barn on Thursdays, 9:30-11:15am and is for Babies & Toddlers (birth up to their third birthday) and their parents. If you would like to book a place or need more information, please contact [email protected]

Bradford North Food Bank
We are still collecting for our local foodbank. Donations may be left at the collection point in church. Thank you for your continued support.
Did you know each food parcel provided by the foodbank provides three days of nutritionally balanced, non-perishable food. The Trussell Trust has worked with nutritionists to ensure food parcels contains sufficient nutrition for at least three days’ worth of healthy, balanced meals for individuals and families.

The Barn
Is now available to hire again for parties and events!
Prices start from £25 per hour for the hall and £35 if the kitchen is required too. For more information, please email [email protected]

Are you handy with a duster or a whizz with a vac?
Volunteers are needed to help clean the church.
Please contact [email protected] if you can help, Thank You!

Wednesday Morning Prayer Rota
You might have noticed that our weekly online Morning Prayer videos have resumed on YouTube, which I know continue to be a blessing to many.
If they have been a blessing to you, why not join the team?
We are looking for a few new members. No technical knowledge is needed, just a willingness to pray with and for others. If God is nudging you about this, please contact [email protected] and be part of sustaining this ministry!

Bring & Share Lunch
You are invited to join us for a Bring & Share Lunch after the joint service tomorrow afternoon! In order for it to be a success, with enough food for everyone, please give the names of everyone in your party, and bring enough food for that number of people, e.g. if jacket potatoes will be your contribution and you are inviting two guests, then you sign in three people and bring three potatoes plus your choice of toppings.
So that we have a range of food to share, please check what is already being offered and try not to duplicate items already on the list.
We will provide soft drinks and nibbles so there is no need for anyone to bring crisps, etc. Sign-up sheets are in Church. If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].

We have begun including individuals in our intercessions on Sunday mornings. Do look out for the bookmarks that will be available with a list of those prayer needs. If you would like to be prayed for, you can write your request on a tag and hang it on the prayer tree, email Sally or Rob, or just have a word with us on Sunday mornings.

Leading your Church into Growth - Candles in the Dark
On Sunday 5th February at 6pm, you're invited to Bradford Cathedral by the LyCiG team for a celebration service of worship, inspiration, & encouragement. This is for everyone who wants to see their church grow.
If you would like to go and need a lift please contact [email protected], a few of us are going and it would be great to share lifts. Note – Rob will be drumming at this!

Please send any items for our weekly Family News to
[email protected]

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Calverley Parish Church (Diocese of Leeds)
Town Gate, Calverley, Pudsey, LS28 5NF
Registered Charity Number: 1130921
[email protected]
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