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Just One Wish?

If you had just one wish for yourself, what would it be? Peace, wealth, happiness? A Porsche? (No, you can’t have more wishes – you know how this works!)

This week I finally finished a book about the Trinity I had been reading on-and-off for 6 months, a gift from another Vicar.* The author found himself telling his golf buddies a joke about wishes, and then they got to wondering what they would actually ask for if it was real. Having read the rest of the book, his answer should not have surprised me – assurance.
He writes about how we are all made to live in the love of God, and yet somehow distract ourselves from that reality. That our lives make sense when we fully believe that we are, in fact, already within that ‘Great Dance’.
Many of the struggles of life have at their heart a seeking of reassurance from sources other than God, and so if he could have just one thing, it would be perpetual assurance that he lives within the love of God.

I wanted to share this with you all, it was such a helpful thought.
Not only that someone more thoughtful and educated than me still needed to seek such reassurance, but also to frame faith in the light of that – we are loved, and cherished, and find ourselves most completely at home within the love of God. Everything else we do in our walk of faith, every act of love and joy and peace, starts from there. It's my prayer that we all come to know the comfort of the depth and breadth of that assurance.

God Bless,

*The book is The Great Dance by C. Baxter Kruger. It was gift from ‘47’.

Sunday 5th February
This Sunday we're back to our usual service times of 9.15 and 11am.
Dave Edwards & Revd. Rob will be leading as we continue to discover the book of Ruth. You are welcome to join us. Coffee will be served between services, don’t forget to BYOM! (Bring Your Own Mug!)

Bring & Share Lunch
The Bring & Share lunch was a great success last week, with over 50 staying to eat together. For those who came, we hope you enjoyed it. If you didn’t come you missed a treat, come next time! There was home cooked beef, pork with roast potatoes, and veg, soup, lasagne, rice pudding, cake, bread, & butter pudding! A feast of food and true fellowship. Look out for details of the next one.

Lay Eucharistic Ministry Training
The new date for this training is Sunday 26th March, 1-3pm in church.

Places to Serve
You’ll notice a lot of opportunities to join us in the work & ministry of St. Wilfrid’s below; space on the team who lead Morning Prayer videos, training for those who assist at Communion, and cleaning our gorgeous old stones.
You will also know that we’re still looking for our next wardens, a pivotal role in church life and a significant commitment, as well as people to help with a drop-in for young people after school. Please do prayerfully consider what God might be calling you to in our church. I have always found that working alongside people at church to be one of the deepest joys of my faith life.
If you would like to talk about any of this, do get in touch with me ([email protected]), or just grab me!

Cleaning Party
On Saturday 11th February, 10am-12pm, I’m having a cleaning party in church with coffee & Danish pastries! The main task this month is to sweep the floor.
It’d be great if you could join me. Please let me know if you will be becoming, so I bring enough pastries for all.
Thank you, Sally ([email protected])

T.A.G (Tuesday Afternoon Group)
The next TAG meet-up will be on Tuesday 14th February, 11am-2pm, in The Barn.

Pancake Day! – Tuesday 21st February
Pop along to The Barn anytime between 6:30–8:00pm for our ‘Great Pancake Party’! We’ll provide the pancakes, and the lemon & sugar to go on top.
If you fancy any other toppings bring them along!
Open to all ages this event is free. Come and join the flipping fun!

Ash Wednesday – Wednesday 22nd February
Our traditional Ash Wednesday Service will start at 7pm in church.
Join us as we begin Lent by being marked with ash in the sign of the cross. All welcome.

Lent Course - Rhythm of Life
Beginning in The Barn on Tuesday 28th February, 7-8:30pm, and running for 5 weeks, this Lent course will offer an opportunity for us to re-align and keep Christ at the centre of our daily lives. Through practical commitments, opportunities for mutual support, and recommended resources.

“As Christians, we believe Jesus should be at the heart of our rhythms of life, whatever our circumstances. This will have a far-reaching impact on our own wellbeing and the good of others – on our loving, living and learning.
I would like to invite you to join the diocesan ‘Rhythm of Life’ venture.
This will involve individual commitments, accessing resources and mutual support. Some key areas will be given special attention: praying, encouraging, sharing, reflecting, celebrating, resting, and creating.”
- The Rt Revd Nick Baines, Bishop of Leeds

If you would like to join the course group, please contact [email protected]

What’s The Story?
Our WTS team will be hosting the Year 5 children from the local primary schools on Monday 27th & Tuesday 28th March.
They will be re-telling the Easter story through drama and craft activities.
The team is always open to new members, if you would like to get involved please contact [email protected]

Wednesday Morning Prayer Rota
You might have noticed that our weekly online Morning Prayer videos have resumed on YouTube, which I know continue to be a blessing to many.
If they have been a blessing to you, why not join the team?
We are looking for a few new members. No technical knowledge is needed, just a willingness to pray with and for others. If God is nudging you about this, please contact [email protected] and be part of sustaining this ministry!

We have begun including individuals in our intercessions on Sunday morning.
The first bookmark is available in church and includes a list of those prayer needs. If you would like to be prayed for, you can write your request on a tag and hang it on the prayer tree, email Sally or Rob, or just have a word with us on Sunday mornings.

Small Groups
Church comes in many different shapes & sizes, and as well as Sunday worship, there's a number of Small Groups that meet regularly on weekdays.
These Groups enable members of Calverley Parish to spend time exploring faith deeper and truly connecting with others. Our desire is for as many people as possible to be part of a Small Group. If you have any questions or would like to join or start a Small Group, please contact Victoria via [email protected]. More information about our Small Groups, including FAQs are available on our website here.

Barn Babies – Parent & Toddler Group
Meets in The Barn on Thursdays, 9:30-11:15am and is for Babies & Toddlers (birth up to their third birthday) and their parents. If you would like to book a place or need more information, please contact [email protected]

The Barn
Is now available to hire again for parties and events!
Prices start from £25 per hour for the hall and £35 if the kitchen is required too. For more information, please email [email protected]

Please send any items for our weekly Family News to
[email protected]

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Calverley Parish Church (Diocese of Leeds)
Town Gate, Calverley, Pudsey, LS28 5NF
Registered Charity Number: 1130921
[email protected]
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